Jose Cordoba was Norwich City's first signing of the summer after the transfer window officially opened on Friday.

Host Adam Harvey was joined by Paddy Davitt and Samuel Seaman to discuss all the key Canaries topics from the opening days of the summer trading window.

Here is a flavour of the full hour long discussion you can watch above.

AH: Let's talk about Jose Cordoba. First and foremost, we've spoken a lot about him. So we may be won't go into the details of him as a player but what did you make of his first interview on club channels?

PD: You've got to be excited because it feels like the first sign for what Johannes Hoff Thorup and Ben Knapper are all about which, to quote them, is a new direction. He is the visible representation of that; young, albeit played at a reasonable level for a big club in Bulgarian football, he's come across from central America and had a little go in Spain as well which didn't quite work for him.

But with his age and the experience he's already got, you've got to think the career curve only goes one way. And hopefully Norwich will feel the benefit of that. It feels like it's him plus one in terms of the starting line up so there's an interesting debate already now for me in terms of who starts alongside him.

Does Thorup go for the more experienced angle with Grant Hanley and Shane Duffy or does he go the other way, and really go bold. That brings a Brad Hills, Jon Tomkinson Emmanuel Adegboyega, even Jaden Warner into the equation. There's no doubt whatsoever that this guy will be a staple of the Norwich back line. 

AH: That is the first one through the door and you imagine the ball is now rolling in terms of  more additions. There was one link earlier on this week again to Emiliano Marcondes. He worked previously with Thorup before he played at Brentford and Bournemouth. One to watch maybe moving forward or do we put it in the category of an 'agent' job?

SS:  It does feel quite agent lead. And obviously he's somebody who's now looking for a new club. He didn't play a lot of football at the highest level for Bournemouth. You can see the link between him and Thorup but in terms of the profile of player, he's not necessarily what Knapper will be looking for this summer. We've already spoken about ideology and an identity but at 29 maybe not tye type of business Knapper is looking to do.

Of course, those are the names that will crop up when you're having to be very frugal, as Norwich will do this summer. From what we're told not one of interest right now. Obviously things can develop and change. But the last I heard, not one Norwich we're actively pursuing it.

AH: What is the latest on Ken Aboh? We know there's a contractual situation on-going there. A young player who made his first team debut under David Wagner towards the end of last season. We watched him at Old Trafford in the Under-21s and he certainly looked like a player that was far too good for that level. Where are we at with him at the moment? Is he someone that Norwich can factor in for this season?

PD: By all accounts, the parties are on the same page. It's agreed but in terms of maybe the paperwork elements it might be next week, onwards, that it is actually confirmed. But unless there's been an 11th hour curveball then Ken Aboh will be a Norwich player moving forward, which is great news because, again, it chimes with what Thorup and Knapper are trying to do and develop their own. 

By a long stretch he looked probably the best of the development crop last season. Of course, there's the imponderables around can they step up and can handle it? And with that in mind, I think you'd probably would feel they would look to get out on loan, maybe in an Abu Kamara or Brad Hills style of picking the right loan at the right level of the Football League.

Then we'll see. But he looks like he's out-grown development, football. Not just the goals he scored, but also how he carried himself on the pitch. You referenced that Old Trafford game and he just looked a cut above really in terms of that grade of football. So get him out on loan this coming season and then in 12 months he might be in the situation Abu Kamara is in coming back from a very successful loan.

I think that would be the roadmap with Ken Aboh. By all accounts, Norwich have really shown a commitment to him in terms of the deal offered, as good a deal as he could get at this stage of his career. It's good from his point of view, for me, that he maybe sees in Thorup a coach creating an environment where he will ge a chance. He might have to go out and prove himself first on loan, but he would know there is a pathway to the Norwich first team.

If you're a young player at Norwich now, you must feel under this management, you'll get an opportunity.