Norwich City summer sales are inevitable, confirmed sporting director Ben Knapper.

The likes of Jon Rowe, Josh Sargent and Gabby Sara are likely to attract firm interest at home and abroad, after some stand out Championship performances last season.

Adam Idah and Marcelino Nunez have suitors in Scotland and Turkey, and Knapper reiterated at the official unveiling of Johannes Hoff Thorup on Friday player trading remains a key pillar of a new era at Carrow Road.

“There's always pressure on us here because that's our model. Whether we have to, or we don't, we want to and that's what we define as success as well,” he said. “Of course we always want to build a team that can win games and get promotion, and that's always going to be the ambition, but as well as doing that in order to be sustainable we have to try.

"So we put pressure on ourselves to do that. Every summer is no different in that respect.

“That's kind of where we are and lots of conversations on-going at the minute. But it's so important that Johannes gets that chance to look at the squad and evaluate as well. And we'll be speaking continually all the way through the window.”

Thorup himself already made it clear he wants to assess Idah, despite on-going links to Celtic where he won a league and cup double on loan.

“They're the conversations that happen between a head coach and a sporting director every day. The dynamic between these two roles is so important,” said Knapper, when pressed on whether Thorup would have the final say in offloading players.

“We do that on every level, whether it be around players, whether it be around pre-season plans, whether it be around our environment, changes we may or may not want to make.

"That's always the way that we work. Our relationship here is about trying to push each other and to challenge each other. We want to get better. As ever it would just be a conversation and ultimately trying to arrive at what we think is the best thing to do for the organisation.”