Former Norwich City centre-back Timm Klose has revealed that he endorsed the Canaries to new signing Christian Fassnacht ahead of his move to Carrow Road.

The pair played together internationally when Klose was at Norwich, and the 29-year-old turned to him for advice when informed of the possibility of a transfer to Norfolk.

“I was in contact with [Fassnacht],” Klose told Baern Today. “Our conversations were about what could happen to him.

“I know Norwich very well and have friends there. I think it was important for him to know what it was like on site. Not just from a player's point of view, but also what it's like to live with a family in this region.

“I had an extremely good time at Norwich. We really liked the city. It was a place that also suited my family very well and I would say that we found a second home.

“The city is very football crazy. From a sporting point of view, there is really only football in Norwich and the stadium is always sold out. That's great, of course, also considering that you're currently playing in the second division.

“The club is well organised and players have very good training opportunities. Those responsible have improved this again in recent years. All in all, for ‘Fasi’ it is the right step in his career.

“I had a great time there and I still have great memories to this day. That's why I was able to recommend Fasi to move to Norwich.”

Klose admitted that adapting to the Championship from the Swiss Super League will be a challenge for Fassnacht, but he believes he’s got the attributes to do so.

“There are many more games,” he continued. “If Fasi is also called up for the national team, the programme can become strict.

“Technically and tactically he will quickly find his way in the second English division. In terms of intensity and physical exertion, it will be more difficult for him than in Switzerland. From my point of view, there is more fighting than in the Super League. But as I know Fasi, he will quickly get used to it.”